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Teaching Your Child to Love to Reading

Reading is an essential part of life. While reading to your child can seem like a chore, it is essential to his development. Reading helps your child get to know sounds, words, language and develop early literacy skills. At A Mother's Love Learning Center, we love reading books with our students. To help our children grow to love reading, we recommend our parents read with their children at home.

Below are ways you can teach your children to love reading while at home.

  1. Read stories to your child daily. Setting aside time to read with your child is the no.1 way to get your child to love to read. When you and your child read together daily, this becomes a special part of your family routine. Our recommendation is to incorporate reading together as a part of your child's nighttime routine.

  2. Choose books you enjoyed reading as a child. Whether online or a physical book, these books should have fun pictures and simple words that allow your child to imagine as you read to him. While reading, point out pictures, stop to talk to your child about the images, and ask questions about what you are reading. This will spark conversation between you and your child, which will keep you both engaged.

  3. For parents on the go, keep books in the car or establish reading time on the tablet while in the car. While it is very simple to allow your child to play a game on the iPad or cell phone during trips or long waits in the car, this does not help build your child's love for reading. Getting your child to love reading requires reading his or her favorite book while in the car.

  4. Start to enjoy reading yourself. Children repeat the habits of their parents. When your child sees you actively reading, he or she will do the same.

  5. Read books that your child enjoys reading in school. These books are relevant to the child and familiar to your child. Reading books that your child enjoys will bring joy to him or her, which is another vital part of loving to read.

Ask our Owner & Director, Miss Jodi, for a list of books we are reading at A Mother's Love Learning Center.

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